Collage w Gateshead

Pn 19 sty, 2009 15:49

Aniolek napisał(a):I SfL i General sa czescia ESOL...

A egzaminy sie roznia, bo jest kilka poziomow, i ktos, kto robi CAE na pewno bedzie mial inny egzamin, od kogos, kto robi Entry Level 3.


moze wiec prosciej parafrazujac co napisalam : jest nauka jezyka ktora nazywa sie ESOL ktora moze byc prowadzona- mozna sie uczyc jako skills for life i general

egzaminy na SFL sa z zalozenia inne niz KET,PET,FCE,CAE,CPE bo realizuja inny "cel nauki" nawet porownujac poziomy.czyli PET ktory chyba jest pierwszy bedzie inny niz entry 1.

porownanie entry level 3 z CAE wogole jest bezsensu pozniewaz jest to ogolnie rozny poziom

najwyzszy Level 2 z SFL jest odpowiednikiem cos kolo FCE. ogolnie SFL sa nieco latwiejsze niz General i po LEVEL 2 w zaleznosci od umiejetnosci mozna isc na CAE ale mozna tez zostac i robic FCE

nie wiem czemu za wszelka cene starasz sie cos udowodnic i wciaz piszesz o jednym i tym samym zreszta o czym co wczesniej napisalam przy pomocy wlasnie podanej wyzej strony

Rozkręca się

  • Posty: 57
  • Dołączył(a): Cz 06 kwi, 2006 23:39

Pn 19 sty, 2009 21:34

Nikomu nic nie udawadniam, nie musze - tylko prostuje niejasnosci. Juz zreszta nie raz byla dyskusja na ten temat na forum. Ja odpisalam na temat egzaminow, a ty piszesz, ze ESOL ma inny program.... to Ty sie pomylilas, nie ja, albo nieumiejetnie staralas sie odpowiedziec na pytanie, ktore akurat dotyczylo troszke czegos innego...

Rysiek wkleil linka, wiec kazdy zainteresowany moze sam sprawdzic, czym sie ESOL zajmuje, choc nie to jest tematem tego posta.


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  • Posty: 1439
  • Dołączył(a): Wt 14 lut, 2006 15:20
  • Lokalizacja: Newcastle/NE2/Warszawa

Pn 19 sty, 2009 22:18

w ktorym miejscu napisalam niejasno i niezgodnie z prawda i w ktorym sie pomylilam???

pisalas o egzaminach po raz kolejny- cambridga FCE, CAE i CPE ale oprocz tego sa jeszcze w/w skills for life. sa to dwa rozne kursy o troche innym przeznaczeniu.(sama napisalas ze jest jeszcze gramatyka na CAE ktorej na skills for life nie ma)
tez niekoniecznie odpowiedzialas pelnie na pytanie ktore bylo tematem postu - czyli
o angielski bez wskazywania na rodzaj albo poziom kursu- zreszta w ktorym miejscu ja napisalam nie na temat jak sugerujesz- czy chodzi tylko o ten nieszczesny "program nauczania"

napisalas o generalnych egzaminach cambridga ktore podobnie jak SFL mozna zdawac od poziomu 0 do CPE z tymze 2 pierwsze nie sa popularne a i college ich nie oferuja zaczynajac od FCE
czerpałam info ze strony cambridga wiec moze czegos ty nie doczytalas a czasami lepiej 2 razy sprawdzic info... to tyle

Rozkręca się

  • Posty: 57
  • Dołączył(a): Cz 06 kwi, 2006 23:39

Wt 20 sty, 2009 12:01

The Cambridge ESOL General English suite of exams has a wide choice of certificates reflecting the very different needs and abilities of people. Our certificates cover basic exams for those beginning to learn English, through to advanced certificates for those who have attained a high level of fluency.

Certificates in ESOL Skills for Life

Skills for Life
is the government's strategy for improving adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL skills in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. From September 2004, all qualifications for adult learners of English in the state sector which relate to the strategy must be based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum — a development of the National Standards for Adult Literacy

KET is the Cambridge ESOL exam which recognises the ability to deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level.

PET is a certificate for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level.

FCE is aimed at people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level. It is an ideal exam for people who want to use English for work or study purposes.

CAE is an exam for advanced users of English. This exam is aimed at people who can use written and spoken English for most professional and social purposes. It is widely recognised for work or study purposes.

CPE is Cambridge ESOL's most advanced exam. It is aimed at people who can use English for professional or study purposes.

SfL - Skills for Life is available at five levels on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF):

* Entry 1
* Entry 2
* Entry 3
* Level 1
* Level 2.

If you attend an English class in the UK, it is possible that you can get a Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life certificate. This part of the website gives you more information about the certificates, and about Cambridge ESOL.

Aha, i kursy od FCE w gore sa platne 100%, bez wzgledu na to, czy otrzymuje sie benefity, czy nie.

P.S Nie musze nikomu nic udowadniac, tylko jak ktos podaje informacje, to niech one beda rzetelne i sprawdzone. A to, ze na kazdy poziom sa inne egzaminy i maja rozny program, to logiczne. Dlatego warto przy zapisach zapytac.

Z mojej strony, to wszystko. Wiecej info jest w Collegu


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  • Posty: 1439
  • Dołączył(a): Wt 14 lut, 2006 15:20
  • Lokalizacja: Newcastle/NE2/Warszawa

Wt 20 sty, 2009 16:01

dziekuje ze podajac info ze strony www poniekąd potwierdzilas to co napisalam ale i tak pokrecilas .przesylam dokladny wyglad strony dot. spornej kwestii ESOL- General English jako KET PET FCE CAE CPE oraz skills for life jako entry 1 do level 2. oraz dodatkowo tabelke jak sie to ma wgledem siebie.dodam ze nie lubie za wszelka cene udowaniac ze mam racje bo ogolnie mowilysmy o tym samym i pewnie ty podobnie jak ja wiedzialas o czym mowie ale skoro zaczelo sie czepianie o slowka czasami ten typ tak ma :) .... oki to tyle pozdrawiam

Cambridge ESOL certificates
A world of opportunity

The Cambridge ESOL General English suite of exams has a wide choice of certificates reflecting the very different needs and abilities of people. Our certificates cover basic exams for those beginning to learn English, through to advanced certificates for those who have attained a high level of fluency.

Our exams are recognised around the world by thousands of employers, universities and government ministries as proof of ability to use English.

These certificates never expire, and will not need to be renewed — they are an achievement for life.
Language ability and 'Can Do'

All of our exams are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) —an internationally recognised benchmark of language ability.

The framework uses six levels to describe language ability from A1 to C2. Once you have passed one of our exams, there is a clear pathway ahead for you as your abilities and confidence improve.

The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) has devised 'Can Do' statements to describe the framework levels in terms of practical skills, such as writing a letter or understanding an announcement. Our tests are based around these real language skills which will give you confidence to use English in real situations.
Support and resources

All of our exams come with high levels of support both for candidates and for teachers who are preparing candidates for the tests. Find out more about support and resources.

Every year more than 2 million people take our tests to further their plans for work, study, travel or living in another country ... where will they take you?
General English exams

KET (Key English Test)
KET is the Cambridge ESOL exam which recognises the ability to deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level.

PET (Preliminary English Test)
PET is a certificate for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level.

FCE (First Certificate in English)
FCE is aimed at people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level. It is an ideal exam for people who want to use English for work or study purposes.

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)
CAE is an exam for advanced users of English. This exam is aimed at people who can use written and spoken English for most professional and social purposes. It is widely recognised for work or study purposes.

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
CPE is Cambridge ESOL's most advanced exam. It is aimed at people who can use English for professional or study purposes.

Certificates in ESOL Skills for Life
These certificates provide flexible assessment of ESOL learners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and are fully based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum.

ESOL Skills for Life

Skills for Life is the government's strategy for improving adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL skills in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. From September 2004, all qualifications for adult learners of English in the state sector which relate to the strategy must be based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum — a development of the National Standards for Adult Literacy — and accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA).

In response to these requirements, Cambridge ESOL is offering the full range of Certificates in ESOL Skills for Life. These qualifications provide flexible assessment of ESOL learners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, whilst minimising the workload of teachers and administrators. They reflect the use of English in everyday life and are fully based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum.
The Skills for Life Certificates are:

* available at five levels — Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2
* wholly externally assessed, by trained and experienced examiners
* available on demand to suit the learner and the learning provider
* accredited by the QCA and funded by the Learning and Skills Council
* available every day of the year, except UK public holidays

Recognising that the individual's language skills can vary quite significantly in their development, the new certificates allow learners to enter for different modes at different levels, to accommodate 'spiky profiles'.

At each level, learners who achieve a Pass will be awarded certificates at mode level from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

More information on the levels, modes, timings and price of the examinations.
Who are they for?

The Skills for Life tests are designed for adult (16+) speakers whose home language is not English, who are living or trying to settle in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These ESOL learners may include refugees or asylum seekers, migrant workers, people from settled communities, and partners or spouses of people who are settled in this country for a number of years.


The certificates are available at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2 on the National Qualifications Framework. In keeping with QCA guidelines, the guided learning hours for an average learner following an ESOL Skills for Life qualification are estimated to be a minimum of 100 per mode per level. This is a notional figure for the basis of calculating the substance of whole qualifications based on the adult literacy standards and the Core Curriculum. It does not imply that the language modes are taught or learned separately.

After Level 2, candidates can progress onto other Level 3 qualifications

Progression with Cambridge ESOL

NQF Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life General English
L2 Level 2 CAE
L1 Level 1 FCE
E3 Entry 3 PET
E2 Entry 2 KET
E1 Entry 1
cala tabela na stronie www egzamin CPE tez w rubryce general english

Rozkręca się

  • Posty: 57
  • Dołączył(a): Cz 06 kwi, 2006 23:39

Wt 20 sty, 2009 20:43

a ja dzisioaj zdalem key skills English level 2 xD i elo.

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  • Posty: 836
  • Dołączył(a): Wt 26 wrz, 2006 09:23

Śr 21 sty, 2009 11:47

Kazdy, kto robi kursy w Collegu MA OBOWIAZEK zdac SfL. Bo to jest podstawa do kontynuacji.

Nie bede sie z Toba spierac, bo mowimy o tym samym. Dla mnie, to i tak nie ma znaczenia, bo robie oststni level, wiec mnie akurat temat "omija"

Robiac kurs 3 lata temu musialam zdac SfL, zeby College dostal dofinansowanie do mojej nauki. Ale nie musialam chodzic specjalnie na roczny kurs, zeby zdac egzamin. To, ze sa oddzielne kursy SfL to wiem i fakt, roznia sie programem, np. Level2 powinien odpowiadac FCE, ale egzamin jest inny. Ty mnie nie za bardzo zrozumialas. To, ze napisalam, ze SfL jest czescia ESOL, nie oznaczalo, ze musze Ci cos udowadniac, tylko uscislilam, co to jest ten nieszczesny ESOL :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: A Ty odbilas pileczke, myslac, ze akurat Ci chce cos udowodnic.... ale ten typ tak ma :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Obie wiemy o co chodzi a wklejone linki na pewno sie komus przydadza :mrgreen:

Damian - ::aplauz ::aplauz ::aplauz


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  • Posty: 1439
  • Dołączył(a): Wt 14 lut, 2006 15:20
  • Lokalizacja: Newcastle/NE2/Warszawa

Pn 26 sty, 2009 19:50

Czy ktos wie co to takiego GCSE bo wlasnie zaliczylem takie cos z Literacy i Numeracy. Daje to cos?

[ Dodano: Pon 26 Sty, 2009 19:53 ]
Aha juz wiem General Certificate of Secondary Education. Hurrra skonczylem gimnazjum :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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  • Posty: 89
  • Dołączył(a): Pn 02 kwi, 2007 09:51
  • Lokalizacja: Sunderland/Tychy

Pn 26 sty, 2009 21:02

z numeracy i literacy to najwyzej mogles zaliczyc key skills level 2 co jest troche ponizej GCSE ;) jak bys robil GCSE to bys mial English language badz literature a nie literacy i Mathematics a nie Numeracy ;)
kurs GCSE to conajmniej 5 przedmiotow... i zdajesz egzaminy w maju... po roku uczeszczania na zajecia. ewentualnei co 3 miesiace jesli z matematyki masz modular course ;)

ps i co dostales z Angielskiego??? A* ???

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  • Posty: 836
  • Dołączył(a): Wt 26 wrz, 2006 09:23

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